Also called Kabouli, Yabut and Yabu, the Yabou is a small riding horse that comes from the Turkoman steppes. The name Yabou is often used to refer to a pauper’s horse or a nag. However, as with every breed there is more than meets the eye, they share lineage with Turkoman animals which makes them incredibly tough and well suited to their climate.
Unfortunately there are no official studbooks or centralized breeding programs in Afghanistan. While the country cherishes a long and distinguished equine culture, information about the animals is difficult to find. There are not specific breeds in the country, but more types that all fall under the broad category of Afghan horses. This breed is separate from the general Afghan type, and are thought to be a cross between Turkoman and local animals.
This is actually a kind and useful animal who can carry great weights and amble or pace with efficient speed. Interestingly enough, genetic studies have shown them to be related more closely to the English Thoroughbred than they are to the other Turkoman strains (or the Arabian).
The Yabou’s are not bred by the Turkoman, they are purchased from gypsies who live in neighboring mountainous forest areas.
Can have an ambling gait
Very robust and resistant
Coarse in morphology
Neck is set lower than most Turkoman breeds
Mane and tail are thick
Body is narrow
Shoulders are powerful
Traditional Colors
All colors
Docile nature
Hardy and strong
Incredibly surefooted
Can be lazy
Pack animal