The Russkaya krovnaya verkhovaya, Orlovo-Rostopchinskaya, Orlov-Rostopchin or Russian Saddle Horse is a breed of riding horse produced in the former Soviet Union. They were absorbed into the Ukranian Saddle Horse in 1945 and listed as extinct in the DAD-IS.
Not a breed in it’s own right, the Russian Saddle is more of a type. Similar to some of the European Saddle horses, they were developed for army use. Not as brave, high-energy cavalry mounts, they were bred to perform Dressage. While they were appreciated as a riding horse, their conformation had carriage type tendencies.
In 1812, the governor of Moscow when Napoleon invaded, Count Fedor Rostopchin chose to set fire to the city rather than leave it to the French. He set fire to his home and stud farm, leaving a proclamation for French invaders saying “Here you will only find ashes”. This fire didn’t seem to deter the breed, as throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries they were popular, used at the court of the Tsar and in various exhibitions.
The First World War culled their numbers almost entirely and by 1945 what was left of the herd was absorbed into the Ukranian Saddle Horse.
Average height 14.8-15.7 hands
Head has a straight profile and broad forehead
Neck is long
Withers are defined
Back is long
Croup is muscular
Legs are long
Traditional Colors
Generally black, but found in most solid colors
Energetic and intelligent
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