As the name implies, this is a Latvian strain of the well-loved Ardennes breed, developed in many countries.
Traditionally, horse breeding in Latvia was to develop three specific types of animals, a draft type, a sport horse and a light riding horse. It is not clear when the Ardennes was first introduced into the country, but they would have come as part of the draft breeding programs.
Their numbers have dwindled as the need for heavy animals has declined. In 2016, the government put breeding programs in place to preserve their bloodlines. According to the DAD-IS the Latvian Ardenis is critical and in 2023 there were only 23 left.
Average height 15 – 16 hands
Head is heavy and broad with a straight or slightly convex profile
Body is broad, muscular and compact.
Legs are short and sturdy with strong joints
Feet are small for the animals size, but well made and strong
Traditional Colors
Solid colors
Kind and cooperative