Also known as Irish Crossbred and Irish Hunter, the Irish Sport Horse was originally bred to be a good hunter over fences but also useful for local agricultural needs.
Ireland has always been known for good horse stock and the independent breeding tradition runs deep in farming communities. Often farms will have a few extra mares used specifically for breeding. The Irish Sport Horse comes from a cross between the Irish Draft and the Thoroughbred. This particular cross has become known for being brilliant over fences.
During the late 90’s three other breeds were imported to contribute genetics, Selle Francais, Hanoverian and Trakehner (all known for being fine sport horses). While technically these are half-bred animals the Irish Sport tends to display uniformity in their confirmation. These animals were initially bred for hunting and their Irish Draft bloodlines allows them to be sure-footed over most terrains.
Average height 16 – 17.1 hands
Head is well proportioned with a straight or slightly convex profile
Eyes are large and expressive
Ears are long and shapely
Neck is long, muscular and often slightly arched
Back is short
Chest is full and deep
Legs are solid with broad joints
Traditional Colors
Solid and dependable
Intelligent and easy to work with
Eventing horse
Show horse
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