Also called the Spanish Anglo-Arabian, Hispano Arabe horses are a cross between Arabian, Andalusian & English Thoroughbred bloodlines. These are three of the oldest and most prolific bloodlines on the planet which earned them the nickname of tres sangres (three blood).
The Hispano is known for their keen courage and used to test potential bulls for the ring. Desired animals have Arabian features, Thoroughbred quality and Andalusian temperament.
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Trakeński w Polsce
Average height 14.3 – 16 hands
As this breed is a composite of three very strong genetics their physical characteristics will vary from animal to animal.
Head is generally well shaped with a straight profile
Eyes are large & expressive
Ears are small & mobile
Neck is medium in length & often arched
Back is straight & short
Chest is full & deep
Legs are long but strong with solid joints
Hooves are small & shapely
Traditional Colors
Spirited & intelligent
Riding horse
Show horse
Eventing horse
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