The Criollo is a favorite throughout the South and Central American countries and almost all of them have their own strain of the breed. The Guatemalan Criollo comes from a country of extreme inhospitable climates that aren’t always conducive to horses.
The word Criollo was originally used for animals of purebred Spanish ancestry who were born in the Americas. After so long, the term now indicates they are from the Americas but still carry Spanish bloodlines. Almost all of the breeds native to South and Central America come from the Barb and/or Andalusian.
Average height 13.3 – 15.1 hands
An amazingly resilient and robust animal
Head is short with broad forehead and sometimes convex profile
Eyes are alert
Ears are small and pointed
Neck is muscular and slightly crested
Back is large and strong
Legs are short, solid and strong
Traditional Colors
All colors
Strong character
Independent and tenacious
Willing and sensible
Livestock horse