The Berrichon Horse was a light draft breed that was used by the General Omnibus Company to pull busses in Paris during the late 19th century (sometimes in teams of three). They were merged into the Percheron studbook in 1966.
This breed comes from the Berry region and their roots go back to the Middle Ages. Originally a small, rustic horse, during the 19th century they were raised outside and used for children’s horse races. In the 20th century Percheron blood was added and their size increased. While still rough and not a handsome animal, they were kind and strong making them a good mount. Their tractability also let them to be used to pull busses in bustling Paris.
The studbook was created in 1923 and a breeding association founded. In 1932 they disallowed crosses with anything other than Percheron animals. While they remained popular locally, nationally they fell out of fashion as the pretty Percheron grew in popularity. Bu 1966 they were absorbed into the Percheron breed, along with several other French draft types.
Average height 15.5-16.7 hands
Head is large with straight or slightly convex profile
Eyes are large and lively
Well set ears
Powerful neck
Chest is deep
Back is short and straight
Muscular hindquarters
Straight croup
Legs are dry
Low set tail
Traditional Colors
Solid colors
Sturdy and calm
Meat production
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