Although the Argentine Polo Ponies are not an official breed, Argentina is recognized the world over for their fine polo horses, a cross between Thoroughbred and Criollo blood. This is the same cross as the Argentine-Anglo.
These animals are bred to be quick, strong, agile and to handle the rigorous life of a polo horse with ease. Combining the speed and grace of the Thoroughbred with the tireless work ethic of the Criollo creates an animal who thrives on hard work.
Breeding is controlled closely by Argentine breeders and only proven horses are bred to retain their good qualities. These animals are bred to retain their type, rather than to preserve pure bloodlines. The Association of Poly Pony Breeders was founded in 1984 in an attempt to preserve bloodlines.
Average height 14.2 – 15 hands
Fast and able to turn sharply
Athletic and bold
Long neck
Short, strong back
Deep girth
Strong, muscular hindquarters
Legs are short with strong bones and joints
Traditional Colors
Found in all common colors
Sensitive and responsive
Highly energetic and tireless
Eager to please and intelligent
Polo sport horse
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Asociación Argentina de Polo
Federation of International Polo
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