This breed is a type of Kabarda horse that is bred specifically in the Karachai or Karachay republic. These animals tend to be of the most robust type of Kabarda and split off as their own breed during the 1960’s upon the introduction of Thoroughbred blood.
This is a Russian breed originated by crossing English, German and French Thoroughbreds with local Karachai animals. Similar, but not to be confused with the Anglo-Kabarda, the Anglo-Karachi is rarer and generally only found in the mountainous areas of central Asia.
The roots of this breed are heavier than many of the Kabarda types and built for work. The infusion of Thoroughbred blood created a lighter, more suitable riding mount. While their breeding unofficially began in the early 1870’s, it wasn’t until the mid 20th century before the breed was officially recognized.
Average height 15.2 – 16 hands
Possesses an easy, well-balanced gait
A slight ‘ram’s head’ facial profile
Straight line back
Well muscled loin
A lovely sloped croup with a low set flowing tail
Neck is long with very oblique shoulders
The foundation is strong
Well anchored limbs
All colors
Calm and collected these animals are ready to work with incredible direction capacity.
Saddle horse
Pleasure horse
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