7 Breathtaking Zebra Images

Zebra Woman

Image from Macarena C.

Zebras are a wild striped cousin to the horse. Their name comes from the Portuguese word zevra which translates to wild ass.

Global Stripes

Like horses, zebras can thrive in many habitats and are found in the plains, forests, mountains and on the coast.

Their biggest predator is man, who hunts them for their striped coat and destroys their natural habitat.

More Than One Type

The striped patterns are individual to each animal and there are three different types of zebra.
1. Plains zebra
2. Mountain zebra
3. Grevy’s zebra

Here are some beautiful zebra shots you probably haven’t seen

Zebra drinking from a swimming pool

Image from Coyotos


Zebra friends

Image from Arno & Louise


Zebra Twins

Image from BrianScott

Zebra rolling

Image from Arno & Louise

Zebra close up

Image from tim ellis

If you liked these, be sure to check out pictures of horses from around the world.

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