Barn Fire Kills 27 Horses in Kentucky

FireFor the second time this year horses were killed during a barn fire at Riverside Downs, a harness racing track in Henderson, Kentucky.

That point bears repeating – this is the second time

Too Many Perished

This time 31 horses were in the barn when it caught fire at around 5am Eastern time, and only 4 of them survived the inferno.

How the fire started is unknown right now, but it seems that the fire they had in January which killed 4 horses was started by a vending machine electrical cord.

What is Going On?

My question is this: aren’t stables and barns subject to fire inspection? Who dropped the ball here? I have a sneaking suspicion that the first one could have been avoided, the occurrence of a second blaze makes me downright skeptical.

One Comment on “Barn Fire Kills 27 Horses in Kentucky

  1. Rachel

    Thank you The Equinest – This post I particularly love, because of the emotion the horse has in the picture. To me emotion is beautiful. And this picture speaks a thousand words.

    However, I wonder who the hell is protecting these majestic animals? Clearly someone needs to get off their ass and hello?, inspect the sprinkler system if the stables even have one…

    Skeptical, heh – seems to me someone is offing horses. “How the fire started is unknown”, who is the investigation officer from the fire department? Does anyone even care to do an investigation? This is unacceptable and I have officially declared shenanigans.

    Something needs to be done and quick!!
    PETA where are you?


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