Aspen Valley Horse Rescue Needs Your Help Saving PMU Mares

Aspen Valley Horse Rescue
Thanks to the folks at Aspen Valley Horse Rescue for their tireless efforts in bringing this issue to the headlines. Right now there are 400+ PMU Horses who are in desperate need of saving.

These animals have been put to work for our health industry and are now headed for auction and probably slaughter starting October 15th 2009.

The Deal

Aspen Valley has already rescued 24 of theses mares, but there are hundreds more. The animals are from ranchers in North Dakota & Alberta, Canada who provide pregnant mare urine for the Premarin industry.

Basically the ranches are going belly up and can’t afford to feed their animals this winter. Their stock (mostly mares & foals) is being liquidated and headed to auctions…we all know where that leads.

Learn More About These Animals

Tipping My Hat

This at Aspen Valley Rescue works on the kindness of donations and volunteers. A big hat tip in their direction for their work with these unfortunate animals. If anyone has a few dimes to spare (or wants to adopt a horse) please check out their website for more information.

3 Comments on “Aspen Valley Horse Rescue Needs Your Help Saving PMU Mares

  1. Janice McIntosh

    I want to thank you for your efforts to place these beautiful horses. My daughter and I adopted Buster on the Sept. 25th load from Animali Farm. He is the most level headed, sweet horse we have owned yet! I have tried to put the word out in Boulder County about these horses. Just wanted to say thanks for adopting Belle – she is one of the horses we considered before deciding on Buster! Also, there is an open mare named Reba, who is half-sister to Buster, still not adopted. If there is anyone who is looking still, I think she would be a great choice (considering how special Buster is.)By the way, Buster’s new name is Lover Boy (and he really is!) Thanks again for all your work!

  2. Keytara Designs McCluskey

    If you feel inclined to help, please visit my web site, on the left side click on A – PMU Horses and Foals Rescue where you can purchase horse related items. Part of the proceeds will go to these rescue efforts to help adopt and maintain these survivors.

    Reba looks like a beautiful horse. How tall is Buster? I’m hoping to adopt one or more eventually.

  3. Erika Gannon

    Hi Janice, hope you don’t mind me contacting you but I had to comment on your boy Buster….I adopted 3 total , one being “Tess” who is also by Moon Hippie. (Funny, I was torn between Belle and Buster as well!!) Tess has to be one of sweetest horses ever! She will follow me around and put her head right on me. I just love her!!!! I hope Reba gets adopted too, what a beautiful mare. Wish I had the $$$ for more of these guys! Enjoy your new boy, -Erika


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