The American Cream Draft Horse has the honor of being the only draft breed native to the US. The roots of this breed only date back to 1905 and come from the bloodlines of a foundation mare in Iowa named Old Granny.
Pretty in Pink
The creme draft is a rare breed that is distinguished by it’s cream coat, pink skin and amber eyes. All traits of the champagne dilution gene passed down from Old Granny.

Image from Just chaos
Officially Recognized
In 1944 the American Cream Horse Association of America was established and by 1950 the Iowa Department of Agriculture officially recognized the breed.
A Struggling Breed
As heavy machinery replaced draft horses on farms in the US, the cream numbers began to decline and the creams faced extinction before they was even 30 years old. In 1982 interested parties attempted to revive the breed and lucky for creamy horse lovers in the states their numbers are no longer going down.
Learn More
Learn more about the American Cream Draft Horse.
American Cream Horse Association of America
OK State
pretty big pretty, big, tall, beautiful
This mare’s name is Ertl’s Pretty in Pink and her barn name is Fanny. She is now 17 years old. She was the first foal out of my first ACD. Just thought you would like to know.