Derby Week Horse Art By Kimberly Santini

Derby Week is an full of excitement and what better way to celebrate the festivities than to appreciate horse art created for the occasion? I’m excited and pleased to announce that artist Kimberly Santini will be sharing a horse a day with us for the week.

Untitled Bay Mare

About The Art

This painting is a work in progress so for now it will remain “Untitled”. It is an 11″ x 14″ acrylic on Raymar panel, and it is available for purchase.

*Send your inquiries directly to Kimberly.

“…This painting…is quite a bit larger then the paintings I normally try to complete in one day and the composition is also more complex. However I found myself reveling in the challenge it presented. It is so key for artists to push the envelope – how else are we to learn new things?”

Be sure to check out Kimberly’s post about this paintings to learn more.

A Note From The Artist

“Today I will be stepping into new territory as well. Another artist friend, Linda Shantz, and I will be having our own Kentucky Derby pARTy.

What’s a pARTy you ask?

A pARTy is where multiple artists create work using the same reference materials. Tomorrow Linda (an equine artist who paints daily several months a year) and I will each be painting from the same photo.”

About Kimberly

Kimberly at workKimberly Santini is a talented artist who has challenged herself to an ambitious project painting a new dog every day.

For derby week she will take a hiatus from her canine portraits to paint horses instead. Subscribe to her studio blog and follow her on twitter @ksanitini to learn more about her and her art.

Horses of Derby Week

See the rest of the horses of Derby week Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 5

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