12 Horse Calendars for 2010

Most horse lovers I know (myself included) never seem to get tired of horse stuff. I’m not mentioning the holidays yet, but soon there will be Christmas Carols everywhere we turn…get prepared now.

A Calendar For Every Month

Thinking towards the future, here are 12 beautiful 2010 horse calendars which also make great gift ideas. I’ve included a shot of the front & back covers (who buys a calendar they can’t see inside of?) and links to where they can be purchased on Amazon.

Spirited Horse 2010 Wall Calendar

Horse Calendar
Features the portrait photography of Tony Stromberg & each month offers an inspirational quote.


The Horse Fantasy Art 2010 Nene Thomas Wall Calendar

Horse Calendar
Displays 12 beautifully rendered fantasy artworks by Nene Thomas – after you are done with each month why not frame the print?


Why Horses Do that 2010 Calendar

Horse Calendar
Answers to some common “why do they do that?” questions about horses, accompanied with fantastic images as examples.


Barn Buddies 2010 Calendar – Horses & Friends

Horse Calendar
We all know horses are social animals, and this calendar is one I look forward to every year. There isn’t much cuter than an unlikely duo.


Horse Sense 2010 Calendar

Horse Calendar
For animals of prey, horses are pretty sensible animals. This calendar features lovely imagery of the equine species.


Horse 2010 Wall Calendar

Horse Calendar
This calendar features a rainbow of rarer horse colors at liberty in lush settings.


Romancing the Horse 2010 Calendar

Horse Calendar
Provides images of some of the more romantic breeds like arabians, vanners and a couple of great looking leopard appaloosas.


What Horses Teach Us 2010 Calendar – Life Lessons Learned from Our Equine Friends

Horse Calendar
The title says it all, learn a new lesson from our equine friends every month.


Happiness Is a Horse 2010 Calendar

Horse Calendar
Features some different & interesting photography (with lots of Spanish horses).


Wild Horses 2010 Calendar

Horse Calendar
Celebrate them now, because soon they will be all gone.


Horses In The Mist 2010 Wall Calendar

Horse Calendar
Horses portrayed in their natural habitat and at liberty, the photography is colorful and diverse.


Horse, a Portrait 2010 Calendar

Horse Calendar
Breathtaking portraits of 12 magnificent animals, this one may be my favorite of them all.


Find One You Like?

The only trouble with having so many choices is deciding which one is your favorite. (No one really needs more than one horse calendar…do they?)

3 Comments on “12 Horse Calendars for 2010

  1. Eleanor Van Natta

    Wow, you found some great ones Paige! Even with digital calendars and computer and phone organizing help, I won’t give up my one wall for a paper horse calendar!!

    I must add that another great calendar is Carol Walker’s images Wild Hoofbeats calendar; I have loved my 2009 and will be buying the 2010 post-haste. One thing that strikes me every month is how beautiful and shiny these horses seem to always look even with no groom and plenty of dust! I also like that a portion of the proceeds goes to The Cloud Foundation.

    Beauty of the calendar is a bit bittersweet now, though, knowing that some of the horses looking at me from various months on my calendar may have been rounded up and in a holding pen right now…

  2. sydney reece

    i love horses so much but my mom will not get me a dog so could you help or give me a dog but the dog has to be a pug because i love pugs so much but not beart than horses….


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