Funny Horse Pictures

Horse Poop with face

Image from kathysierra

It’s no secret that horses are funny animals, but catching them in the act with a camera is easier said than done.

Getting a Great Shot

It takes more than just a good camera and skill in photography to snap a good shot of a horse being silly…it takes supreme patience (or amazing luck). The photographers below have a fantastic sense of timing and a great eye for horse personality. The resulting images are sure to make you chuckle.

Funny Horse Pictures You Haven’t Seen

Horses with 'Out of Service' sign on it's tail

Can anyone tell me why the sign is necessary?
Image from

Horse scratching his ear with his hind leg

It itches, it itches, it itches, it itches
Image from urtica

Horse laughing

That tickles!
Image from johnadams1217

Monkey riding a pony

A different kind of ride
Image from Keng Susumpow

Horse reading book

What’cha reading?
Image from dregsplod

Have a funny horse photo to share? Let me know and I’ll feature it in the next article of funny horse images.

44 Comments on “Funny Horse Pictures

  1. kayla

    hey nice with the horse pics love em . make more theyr real fun 2 c c ya later

    or at laest the pics,

    ps i luv horses

  2. dianne marriott

    these pics are great l have tried to take pics like this and they havent come out this great keep up the good work they are brillient 🙂

  3. sleeping dogs lie

    these are great shots!

    I would love to see more pics of “horse yoga”
    What an amazing animal. If I knew where this horse was I would go and use him as the subject of my paintings.

  4. olivia pyles

    Those picturs are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo COOL!!!!!!!! I love them especielly all of them. i’v never seen anything like those. can you put more because I like them. see you soon bye! .p.s. I ride horses.

  5. Rachel

    Your pictures are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep up the good work! My favorite picture is ” It itches, It itches, It itches, Itches “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Rachel

    I totally LOVE the horse pictures. My favorite one is ” horse yoga”. Please post more of those. p.s., I ride and own horses named Joe( nicknamed ‘ Little Joe’ or ‘Joe Joe’ ), And Lacy ( nicknamed ‘Lace Lace’ ). They’re the best! Lacy is reeeeaaaaally mean in the morning and afternoonbefore she getsher grain. She’ll try to bite you!!

  7. Takjokhis(Nicole)

    these pics r soooooooo funny!!!! I haz a pony & she is crazy about giving kisses!bt saly we can neva gt them on cam.

  8. Aleena

    they are just so gawjezzz i have horses and i am going to the ekka with them this savo and i love horses i have been around them since i was little but gosh this is cute i take heap’s of photo’s of my horse but i put them on facebook cause i love facebook…

  9. hatt :)

    how funny …… i have a horse and he loves given and gettin kisses and hugs but we never can get em on cam 🙁 but we try ……


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