Recently I was contacted by Darci over at the DoubleHP Horse Shelter about a fun calendar project they do every year and the proceeds go to help rescued equines.
About the Calendar
The calendar is a custom design with 32 pages, full color. Each page is 8.5 X 11 inches, so the centerfold opens up to 17 X 11.
Each month features one of the horses that lives at DoubleHP Horse Shelter and models who volunteer their time for the cause. A short history is provided about each animal pictured, which goes to show the fantastic work this rescue is doing – the animals look great.

Many of the models pictured don’t pose professionally, they are local horse women who have families.
The photographer is Jamie Flinn of JF Photos located in Souix Falls, SD and the graphic designer is Rebecca Johnson of Yankton, SD. All work on this calendar was done on a volunteer basis, thanks to the models, photographer, graphic designers and volunteers who were involved.

Who They Are
The rescues main website is, they are a volunteer organization that assists law enforcement with emergency neglect cases involving horses. On their website you can view adoptions, make donations or purchase a calendar.
More Calendar Info
You can purchase a calendar directly from Double HP Shelter, on ebay, the Made in South Dakota’s website, or just call (605) 359-0961.
To learn more about the calendars be sure to check out their 2009 & 2010 Unbridled Beauties Blog and if you are interested in sponsoring or modeling in 2011 check out their 2011 Unbridled Beauties Blog.