Kemp Equine's – No Biz Like Horse Biz

Twitter LogoIt’s always fun to meet other horse people via social media, especially those with obvious marketing savvy. That’s how I connected with Lisa Kemp, through the colorful horse community on Twitter.

Where To Begin?

From friendfeed to facebook to twitter there are tons of different platforms for forming community. Some are well suited for the animal industry…some not so much.

Either way, it almost takes an online marketing & social media expert to work it all out. Unfortunately not all of us know someone of that ilk and we have to forge ahead on our own.

Thankfully, Lisa’s new blog offers help to all of the outdoorsy-types in the industry who want to utilize technology without spending all of their spare time to do so.

It’s Coming No Matter What

We can try to avoid it, but the Internet is our future. Lisa writes about how those in the horse industry can use it to their advantage without breaking the bank or staying up all night. Not to mention she offers professional services for those who aren’t interested in learning the process and just want results.

Lisa's Blog

Essential Reading

The blog is brand new, but I’ve already picked a few posts that are fantastic for horse people who are attempting to market themselves or their services online.

Learn More

If you are interested and want to learn more be sure to check out Lisa’s blog (& grab her RSS feed while you are there), follow her on Twitter @Kempequine & @HorsePR and friend her on Facebook.

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