Horse Buddies

Horse Buddies

Image from MadPole

Of course it is fitting that of all of the animals out there, horses like their own kind the best. They seem to genuinely form affectionate bonds with one another and are known to become depressed should they be separated or should one pass away.

Big Softies

For such big creatures, they can certainly be sentimental fools. A fact that only adds to the romance of the equine animal…they are big lovers.

Horses Make The Cutest Buddies

Horse Buddies

Image from love|hate

Horse Buddies

Image from Paul J Everett

Horse Buddies

Image from tinou bao

Horse Buddies

Image from saucy_pan

Horse Buddies

Image from Miky Jpeg

Horse Buddies

Image from cobalt123

Horse Buddies

Image from Invisodude

Horse Buddies

Image from 77Orchids

Horse Buddies

Image from Carol^-^

The Open Minded Horse

Although they do love their fellow horse, it seems that horses can form a bond with almost any animal, from people, to donkeys, to goats to a random selection of other animals. Here’s to the horse and their lack of prejudice.

4 Comments on “Horse Buddies

  1. Asher

    I love the fjords. I have a fjord and her best friend is a mustang. I have seen them standing in most of those poses 😀


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