The Conestoga Horse was developed in the US during the 18th centuriy for pulling the famous Conestoga wagons which were produced in Lancaster County, PA. By 1900 they were considered extinct.
The area was originally settled by people from the upper Rhine country, Switzerland and France who were hardworking farmers. Some brought livestock with them and others were imported with the sole purpose of tending the land. Because the land was fertile, the animals were well-kept and became very well suited for their tasks.
There was no selective breeding, this breed was shaped by breeding of necessity and natural selection. Later, as more settlers came to the area these same animals were needed for heading further west. This began the need for the Conestoga wagon and the moniker of the Conestoga breed.
Unfortunately the animal’s legacy didn’t last as long as that of the wagons, which can still be seen in museums. While the animals bred to pull them can only be found in old photographs and artwork.
Average height 16.3 hands
Enormous pulling strength
Head is small
Neck is crested
Legs are long and clean
Traditional Colors
Well mannered
Pulling wagons
Agriculture horse
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