The world’s largest breed of ass, the American Mammoth Jack stock was developed in the US through the selective cross breeding of imported European stock with local Native American and Mexican animals.
Small time breeding of these animals was common for more than 100 years prior to the development of their official registry in 1888. This is an animal developed based on the needs of people in various areas, but mainly for agricultural and transportation. The intention was to create a larger and stronger animal more capable of heavy workloads.
Attempt at Standardization
Selective breeding helped to preserve important traits, but was often limited to stock that was available for use. However, initially the registry attempted to standardize the breed by only including black animals a minimum of 15 hands tall. Over the years, these rigid type lines have blurred and the breed encompasses a number of colors/ sizes.
Jacks must be a minimum of 14.2 hands
Jenny must be a minimum of 14 hands
Incredibly strong
Head is well shaped and tapered to a round muzzle
Large, wide-set eyes and long, upright ears
Neck should be muscular but not too thick and well proportioned
Good width, depth and length of body
Strong loins and a full hip
Legs should be strong and thick
Feet are large and well cupped
Traditional Colors
Initially they were to be black with a mealy / pangare gene however cross breeding has created more colors including sorrel.
Willing and tireless
Mild mannered and kind
Create draft mules
Recreational use
Agricultural work
Pleasure mount
Helpful Links
*All links open in a new window
American Mammoth Jackstock Registry
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
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