There are two types of horses native to Albania, mountain horses (Mountain) and horses of the plains (Myzequea). Both of them can be called Comune or Common. Sadly, a lack of proper breeding programs has allowed interbreeding between them to blur lines of distinction. These animals all fall under the category of Albanian Comune or Common horses.
Albanian Horse horse bloodlines probably come from a combination of Tarpan, Turkmenian and Mongolian animals, which later saw an infusion of Arabian blood during the Ottoman Empire. For the most part their breeding has been born of necessity by the local people and not centrally managed. The DAD-IS shows the last official count of their numbers in 1994, when there were 41,761 animals.
Type Differences
The two types have been bred to meet different needs, the Myzequea is very strong and robust for its size with an easy ambling gait. This makes them ideal as long distance mounts, carriage horses or for light agricultural work. The Mountain type is smaller, lighter, more agile and livelier than its plains counterpart. They also tend to have better endurance and higher resistance to disease.
Making A New Name
Originally bred as animals of transport, the Albanian horse was reinvented in the 1990’s when an attempt was made to create larger stock better suited for agricultural work. The result was a boom in numbers and an overall improvement in the versatility of the breed itself.
Average height
Mountain 12.2 – 12.3 hands
Myzeqea 13 – 14.1 hands
Exceptionally strong for their size
Small and sturdy
Traditional Colors
High energy & endurance
Possess incredible agility and balance
General riding
Cart horse
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