Base Horse Coat Colors – Black

Although there aren’t different shades of black, there are three types – fading, non-fading and seasonal.

Modifiers and Dilutions on Black Coats

Black based animals are not affected by most of the coat modifiers, however a few of the dilution genes have a fairly drastic affect on black hairs. Creating some of the more spectacular and rarer colors in the horse world.

White Patterns on Black Coats

White patterns can be found across any coat color, but black bases makes for some of the most spectacular contrasting white patterns.

12 Comments on “Base Horse Coat Colors – Black

  1. Linda Shier

    I have shown your site to some of my horse friends (as you know what I do for a living) and the comments were all terrific. Basically, they all agreed “what a great site you have going” and I agree. May your success always meet your dreams!
    Linda Shier
    Linda Shier Photography

  2. Paige

    Thanks Linda,

    I can’t wait to get your pictures up there too.

    Thanks for passing the site around and everyone feel free to leave feedback. I’m always looking for ways to make the site more user friendly.


  3. kim petrusev

    i have a mare who is a grey with blackmane and tail her sire was black and breed her to a black stallion the foal was born black no white anywhere will the foal stay black he has a few hairs in his ears that are brownish will he stay black grand sire black and sire black mare going grey but still has a lot of black in her coat and mane help

  4. Paige

    Hi Kim,

    It is hard to say of the foal will remain black, a few white hairs could just mean a white marking. Although if the ears are brown you might have yourself a fading black horse.
    Color genetics is not an exact science and sometimes is down to the luck of the draw. As you know just because a foal is black doesn’t mean it will remain that color throughout it’s life. Good luck.

  5. Taylor

    My Flicka is a non-fading black. She is a 3 yo. filly and her breed is unknown. I am for sure she has Arabian and something eels in her.

  6. thirza

    heey ik heb een vraagje aan jou.
    waar staan die paarden eigelijk.
    want wij hebben ook zelf paarden .
    2 haflinger.
    want wij wonen namelijk in friesland.
    en waar wonen jullie presies .
    en hebben jullie ook wat paarden dingen tekoop .
    groetjes thirza.
    veel suces met je paarden.
    veel plezier er mee

  7. Rhaelyn

    The Grullo or Grulla (male – female) is the ugliest horse I have ever seen, on the other hand the Black Roan / Blue Roan is one the most beautiful I have ever seen.


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