The American Mustang horse is descendant from Spanish horses (mostly Andalusian & Barb) brought to North America by Spanish Conquistadors. These animals were likely the first horses many indigenous people had ever seen and sadly played a large part in the Spanish conquests of those people.
Becoming Legit
The American Mustang Association was formed in San Diego, CA in 1962 with the intention of cataloguing & preserving these majestic animals.

Image from yathin
To be registered animals were expected meet specific physical standards in the hopes of preserving the characteristics of the original Spanish breeds.
Not All Mustangs Are Legit
The term American Mustang was defined by the registry, however many of us employ a much looser translation. Wild animals aren’t concerned with lineage & the influence of domesticated stock is bound to show up in bloodlines.
Learn More
American Mustang & Burrow Association
American Mustang Assiciation
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