Riding is a fun way to stay fit, and these horse-friendly celebs clearly couldn’t agree more. Here are some sexy pictures of celebrities who love horses…some of them maybe a little too much
1. Angelina Jolie
Further proof Angie will kiss anything…
Image from Angelina Jolis
2. Carmen Electra
No, the horses name is Julie, I’m Carmen Electra
3. Julia Roberts
Dedicated to preserving the last true wild horses, Julia rides one to work
4. Gisele Bündchen
Can a horse ever be clean enough to be Lady Godiva for halloween?
Image from Infacinatorinc
5. Jewel
The cowboy who will save my soul is out there somewhere
6. Sheryl Crow
What’s that you say, your water just broke?
Image from The American Wild Horse
7. Katherine McPhee
If she falls, does that make her a fallen idol?
Image from Samurai Frog
8. Brittany Murphy
Jordache Jeans, if you don’t love horses, take them off
9. Jodie Kidd
Why yes, my legs are actually longer than my horses
Image from Daily Mail
10. Sienna Miller
Red, white and blue for the olympics…wait Sienna isn’t American!
Image from Javatopia1
Added Bonus
Patrick Swayze
I ditto my horse
Image from Surviving Grady
For more cool horse images check out The Coolest Photoshop Horse Pictures too.
9. Jodie Kidd – this pic is weird. The girl is as tall as the horse. Do I detect some photoshop?? HEH
Actually some horses are alot smaller then others being that a 15 hh horse is roughly only 5 feet tall. :3
Donate To Save Horses
What about William Shatner & Bo Derek – or does that date me?
Another question – are the celebs you show above really horse enthusiasts, or are they just posing?
Hi Patricia,
I was limited by the quality images I could find.
As far as them all being horse lovers, I think it is about 50/50. However I believe Julia Roberts, Jewell, Sheryl Crow, Katherine McPhee, Jodie Kidd and Patrick Swayze are all actual horse people.
Yeah, I knew Patrick Swayze was.
sure grieves my heart to see Patrick here with his cancer battle .
There’s Patricia , my i find you everywhere , I hear the Queen of England is a big horse lover too.
I am a horse lover too, and i didn’t know all these stars were. Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation in Pittsville, Wisconsin is in an online nationwide contest to win $10k for the horses. MHWF’s website is http://www.equineadoption.com and the website for the contest is http://www.care2.com/animalsheltercontest please vote as this contest ends tomorrow! (January 31st, 2009, @ midnight)
thanks!!! =}
Jodie Kidd is over six feet tall and she is a top polo player so her horse is going to be a pony…
i love you Angelina Jolie
If you can find it…check out the great shot of Arnold S. by Annie Leibovitz….
Madonna is a big horse person – heard she imported some fancy eventers in.
Tommy Lee Jones, Cary Grant, Juice Newton, Stephanie Powers (the strongest woman I ever met), William Shatner, Telly Savalas, Max Straus, Fred and Robin Astaire, Elizabeth Montgomery, Patrick Duffy, Jane Seymour, Jack Klugman, John Forsythe, William Devane, Sylvester and Frank Stallone, Alex Cord, Vidal Sassoon, Will Rogers, Spencer Tracy, Charles Bronson, Leslie Charleson, Michael Landon, Bing Crosby, Darryl Zanuck — just a few more serious celebrity horse people that I could think of off the top of my head. aeropolowoman
There is an interesting article and video link to about Bo Derek
featured in my website.
My heart goes out to Patrick Swayze, imagine him not being able to ride his beloved horses…what a shame…God Bless Him!
Love horses but some of these pics are VERY inapropriate!
you can see anjalina jolees nipple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! verry hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its called perseption. they took the photograph from a low angle so of course she looks tall
I think its wrong u would put a ugly ass naked girl on a horse the point is to look at the horse NOT the boobs on the girls! also dyeing a horse blue is unhealthy. You sluts should be ashamed to post ur body like that. Learn to have respect for yourself if u dont no one else will and u might get hurt. jus sayin…….
I believe the sexiest celeb of them all is missing. Where is Jensen Ackles? He is the hottest horse person of them all.
And ditto to what Nikki said, my sister is a model and I totally get what your saying.
Ciao a tutti!! Fra tutte le foto conosco solo Julia Roberts…Brava, ti stimo , che bello che vai a cavallo anche tu!!! Bye
wow … carine le immaini
Gisele Bündchen needs clothes but if u want to be sexy u better have the guts to do that, shes probably from France thats where they really get naked
Good lord-nothing like naked women to bring out the drama.
I think some of the photos are beautiful, and some are ridiculous, but offensive? Just a little skin, people.
I personally love the one of Julia Roberts. It’s beautiful, and she looks happy.
Pingback: Behind the Bit: Sexiest horse lover celebs
man there are very cute
heyy x i think 4 gisel ?? is it FIT
Most of these photos just seem a little creepy. I hope photos of me with my horse don’t look like that.
Please view this web site and email me if you can help us. Funds are desperately needed so we can continue with our love for the safe haven of horses so cruelly neglected and abused, mis-treated.
I hope you care enough about horses to motivate you to help us. Many thanks in anticipation.
I love these beautiful pics.
i love the horses they all are so pretty