When towing a horse trailer there are many things to consider when it comes to ensuring the safety of you, your passengers & horses along with your truck & trailer. There are certain guidelines that must be followed when towing a horse trailer & following them will improve your safety when towing. Read more
Ligustrum – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to this weeks edition of the a-z of plants horses should always avoid. Today’s plant is another widely common one, it can often be found used in gardens & as hedges. Ligustrum makes a garden lovely & fragrant, but horses should be kept well away.
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Lantana – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to another weekly edition of the a-z of plants horses should always avoid. Today’s plant is pretty common where it grows, but also quite colorful & easy on the eyes. Lantana has sweet, innocent little flowers & looks great in the garden, but horses beware.
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Lambsquarters – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to another weekly edition of the a-z of plants horses should definitely avoid. Today’s plant is highly common, incredibly innocuous looking & perhaps one of the more difficult ones to recognize by site. Lambsquarters may just look like a common weed, but it’s one that your horse should avoid.
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Laburnum – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to yet another weekly edition of the a-z of plants horses should totally avoid. Today’s plant is an absolutely beautiful one that is commonly used for ornamental planting & landscaping. However, while Laburnum may be beautiful, it definitely doesn’t like your horse!
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Labrador Tea – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to another weekly edition of the a-z of plants horses should totally avoid. Today’s plant is slightly more problematic than cultivated plants, it grows wild & looks harmless. Keeping an eye out for Labrador Tea is important, because your horse definitely shouldn’t eat it.
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Kentucky Coffee Tree – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to a new weekly edition of the a-z of plants horses should avoid. Today’s plant is less common than most & really more a tree than a plant. Many places will not have to worry about Kentucky Coffee Trees, but those who know of them should keep their horses away.
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Kalanchoe – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to another weekly edition of the a-z of plants horses should avoid. Today’s plant is incredibly common & found planted in a variety of places. While it’s not a huge danger to horses, Kalanchoe can be quite toxic for such a delicate little plant.
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Kafir Lily – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to another weekly edition of the a-z of plants your horse can’t eat. Today’s plant is generally only found in ornamental planting & not readily available to horses, but Kafir Lilies are as toxic as they are lovely.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 26. How it Ended
Chapter 26. How it Ended
It must have been nearly midnight when I heard at a great distance the sound of a horse’s feet. Sometimes the sound died away, then it grew clearer again and nearer. The road to Earlshall led through woods that belonged to the earl; the sound came in that direction, and I hoped it might be some one coming in search of us. As the sound came nearer and nearer I was almost sure I could distinguish Ginger’s step; a little nearer still, and I could tell she was in the dog-cart. I neighed loudly, and was overjoyed to hear an answering neigh from Ginger, and men’s voices. They came slowly over the stones, and stopped at the dark figure that lay upon the ground.
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Sorghum – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to a new Monday and another edition in the a-z of plants your horse can’t eat. Today’s plant is grown in crops & while not readily available to horses, Johnsongrass is dangerous enough to be aware of.
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Equitrekking.com Launches Fab Horse Holiday Travel Deals
The travel experts behind the Emmy-winning PBS TV show, Equitrekking & popular companion website Equitrekking.com, have launched a brand new Travel Deals page featuring exclusive dude ranch discounts & bargains on horseback riding vacations you won’t find offered anywhere else.
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