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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 36. The Sunday Cab

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 36. The Sunday Cab

One morning, as Jerry had just put me into the shafts and was fastening the traces, a gentleman walked into the yard. “Your servant, sir,” said Jerry.

“Good-morning, Mr. Barker,” said the gentleman. “I should be glad to make some arrangements with you for taking Mrs. Briggs regularly to church on Sunday mornings. We go to the New Church now, and that is rather further than she can walk.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Jerry, “but I have only taken out a six-days’ license,* and therefore I could not take a fare on a Sunday; it would not be legal.” Read more

Horse Image of the Week

Dun horse looking into the camera

Why We Like It

Simply put, this image has character, we can see the horse’s personality shining through. We also like its lovely dun coat – honestly we just want to give him a big kiss on the nose. Our fave part has to be on the far left of the image. You can see his pal is yawning, doubtless bored with his hogging all the camera time.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 35. Jerry Barker

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 35. Jerry Barker

I never knew a better man than my new master. He was kind and good, and as strong for the right as John Manly; and so good-tempered and merry that very few people could pick a quarrel with him. He was very fond of making little songs, and singing them to himself. One he was very fond of was this:

“Come, father and mother,
And sister and brother,
Come, all of you, turn to
And help one another.” Read more

Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 34. An Old War Horse

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 34. An Old War Horse

Captain had been broken in and trained for an army horse; his first owner was an officer of cavalry going out to the Crimean war. He said he quite enjoyed the training with all the other horses, trotting together, turning together, to the right hand or the left, halting at the word of command, or dashing forward at full speed at the sound of the trumpet or signal of the officer. He was, when young, a dark, dappled iron-gray, and considered very handsome. His master, a young, high-spirited gentleman, was very fond of him, and treated him from the first with the greatest care and kindness. He told me he thought the life of an army horse was very pleasant; but when it came to being sent abroad over the sea in a great ship, he almost changed his mind. Read more

Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 33. A London Cab Horse

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 33. A London Cab Horse

Jeremiah Barker was my new master’s name, but as every one called him Jerry, I shall do the same. Polly, his wife, was just as good a match as a man could have. She was a plump, trim, tidy little woman, with smooth, dark hair, dark eyes, and a merry little mouth. The boy was twelve years old, a tall, frank, good-tempered lad; and little Dorothy (Dolly they called her) was her mother over again, at eight years old. They were all wonderfully fond of each other; I never knew such a happy, merry family before or since. Jerry had a cab of his own, and two horses, which he drove and attended to himself. His other horse was a tall, white, rather large-boned animal called “Captain”. He was old now, but when he was young he must have been splendid; he had still a proud way of holding his head and arching his neck; in fact, he was a high-bred, fine-mannered, noble old horse, every inch of him. He told me that in his early youth he went to the Crimean War; he belonged to an officer in the cavalry, and used to lead the regiment. I will tell more of that hereafter. Read more

Horse Image of the Week

White horse walking in a fieldKeeping up this website requires looking at a lot of horse photos, (which we love) so we thought it would be fun to share some of our favorites. The simple fact is, we have so many to choose from…

Hard to Decide

We think all horses are beautiful & we know that horse lovers enjoy seeing them. So, we decided it was time to do something fun & different on Fridays, at the end of every week we’ll share a fabulous horse photo. Our pic of the week.

Show Us Yours!

This is also an opportunity to reach out to our audience, who we know have some images of their own. While we’ve got tons of images to share, we want to share yours too. If you have an image you’d like us to feature on Fridays, let us know – we’d love to see it.
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