The Trough Category

Animals That Look Like Horses – Moose

MooseThe Alces alces or the moose is probably the species that looks closest to the horse of all others.

What Are They?

Moose are the largest of the deer family and their name comes from the Algonquian Easter Abnaki name moz which loosely translated means “twig eater”.

Where Are They?

In North America moose are found in most of Canada, western Alaska, New England, Rocky Mountains, and parts of Michigan, Minnesota, Utah and Colorado.

In Europe they are found in Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Finland, the Baltic States, Russia and parts of Poland and Belarus.
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Animals That Look Like Horses – Nilgai


The Nilgai or Boselaphus tragocamelus looks kind of like a horse, but isn’t one.

What Are They?

They are antelopes most commonly found in northern India and eastern Pakistan.

Brought to Texas as zoo animals, there now exists wild herds in Alabama and Texas.

Physical Characteristics

The nilgai stand around 4-5 feet tall, about 6-7 feet long and weigh around 120-240 kg.
Long narrow head, thin legs and robust body.
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Squirrels Love To Ride Too

SquirrelIt turns out that squirrels and Barbie dolls are just about the same size.

Pair that fact with an incredibly patient and inventive photographer and you have some absolutely hilarious squirrel photos.

Some of them are a little off-topic, but who cares? Once you’ve seen a squirrel on a Barbie horse, you have to see what they will get up to next.

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Women in Art

An off-topic post today, but it is so well done I had to share it. Through the years many a portrait has been painted of beautiful women (or at least what was painted was beautiful). This video takes you through images of many of those women, and uses modern technology to blend them into another art form altogether.
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