Horseplay Category

Jumping Horses in Motion

Horse Jumping

Image from Kris Katford

Horses are pretty graceful for such big animals, a powerful stride and strong hind legs both contribute to their grace over fences.

Horses in Motion

The past few weeks I’ve been sharing my collections of horses in motion, giving each type of movement it’s own day to shine.

This week it’s all about jumping, regardless of what they are jumping most horses manage to do it in style. I come from a jumper background and I really appreciate the work (from horse and rider both) it takes to make it through a clear round.

Perpetual Movement

So far I’ve covered the motions of rearing, running, playing & bucking, and there are more to come.

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Smithfield Horse Market & Fair Pt 2

Smithfield Horse Market

Image from admanchester

This is the second part of a two part series (here is part 1) featuring some amazing images of the Smithfield Horse Market & Fair in Dublin, Ireland.

A Monthly Tradition

The market is held on the first Sunday of every month and during that time the market is flooded with horses and those looking to buy and sell them. This monthly spectacle has been a tradition for the last 200 years or so.

Capturing The Moment

The images below do a great job of capturing horses in an urban setting and the obvious excitement that hangs in the air on market days.
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Running Horses in Motion

Horse Running

Image from Arston Collander

There are few things more poetic and perfect than watching a horse run (especially when they are at liberty).

Horses in Motion

I probably say that every horse motion is my favorite, but really, I love watching a horse run the best.

Often I hear people say they wish they could be a bird to see what it feels like to fly. Not me, make me a horse and give me a green field to run in any day.

The Motion Never Ends…

I’ve already visited the motions of rearing, playing & of course bucking, and I’ve got more to come.
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Smithfield Horse Market & Fair

Smithfield Horse Market

Image from *Cathrin*

In doing more research for my urban horse posts I ran across quite a few images of the Smithfield Horse Market & Fair. This is an event held in Dublin, Ireland on the first Sunday of every month right in the city.

Horses in The City

While these images fit right into my urban horse theme, but I decided they deserved a mention of their own.

There are lots of images, all from only a hand full of photographers. But all of them capture the excitement of the event and the stark contrast of horses in a wholly urban environment.
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Pulling Horses in Motion

Horse Pulling

Image from Vladimir Morozov

One thing can be said about horses, they definitely pull their own weight. Pulling is one of the most powerful movements of a horse and these images display an array of pullers.

Horses in Motion

A collection of images dedicated to lovely the movements of horses everywhere. Movement like rearing, playing & of course bucking.

Keep On Moving…

I’m not done yet, it’s amazing how many movements there are in the horses repertoire.
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Urban Horses

urban horse

Image from katbert

A city is a terrible place to keep a horse, but for one reason or another too many of them seem to end up there.

Many of them work pulling tourist carriages, others as police horses and still others provide transportation.

Missing The Countryside?

Regardless of the reason they are there, there is always something decidedly melancholy about a horse in the city.

These photographers did a great job of capturing the plight of the urban horse.

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Rearing Horses in Motion

Horse Rearing

Image from newneonunion

There is something so very majestic about a horse when they rear up onto their hind legs. It takes their great size to a whole new level and essentially forces you to show some respect & pay attention.

Horses In Motion

I really enjoyed putting together this horses in motion series, dedicated to horses moving everywhere.

With so many disciplines and types of horse, it seems the movement possibilities are endless.

Moving Right Along…

So far, I’ve covered horses playing & bucking and there are plenty more where that came from.
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A Strange Collection of Rocking Horses

Rocking Horse

Image from scott witt

Most horse lovers began their equestrian careers with their behind firmly planted on rocking horse as a child.

This post is kind of in the art vein, kind of in the photography vein and definitely in the strange vein.

Hunting For Toys

I started out just looking for cool rocking horse images, and quickly learned that there are some really strange ones out there. So I gathered them all up to share and here they are…a really weird (and almost spooky) collection of rocking horses.
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Great Cross Country Pictures

Cross Country Course

Image from doublebug

I’m doing a little (late) spring cleaning and putting together a few collections of images I stash away during my routine posting.

A Tough Ride

Today it’s all about cross country courses, perhaps one of the more grueling aspects of the eventing circuit.

The jumps are big and the course is usually fast, a combination that makes for some pretty amazing shots.

I put together some of the more amazing cross country shots to share.

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Men Love Horses Too

Man and Horse

Image from Flintlocker

Despite the fact that horses have been carrying men into battle for thousands of years, the love of the equine animal is largely a female passion.

Big Softies

The romantic vision of a cowboy and his mount aside, we don’t see as many men in the modern horse world. But I think that when no one is looking most men find that they have a weakness for horses too. I even found some pictures to prove it.
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