Horse Jobs Category

Horse Jobs – Handler

Woman with a horse

The handler is responsible for the control and grooming of a horse in their charge. Depending on the size of the establishment, duties of a groom and handlers can overlap to a large degree.

Heavy Hands-On

Handlers are expected to be the authority on their horse charges and probably spend the most time with each animal over all. This is a position which benefits from an in-depth knowledge of horses, keen attention to detail and an inclination for teamwork.

Experience managing horses, the ability to problem solve under pressure and a strong character are important components of a successful horse handler.

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Horse Jobs – Stall Cleaner

Person cleaning a horse stall

This is a position usually found in larger establishments with many animals to look after. It is often a starting point for someone looking to earn more hands-on experience around horses.

What You Need

Sometimes this position covers grooming, feeding and general maintenance, however their main objective is to keep the stable clean. This is a position which benefits from physical strength and endurance, a respect for the equine animal and problem solving skills.

A solid work ethic, a knack for routine and a love of the outdoors are essential elements needed to be a stall cleaner.

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Horse Jobs – Groom

horse with woman

A position which can be a springboard for a long career in the horse industry, the groom is the one who actually takes care of daily routine for the animals.


There are many tasks that can fall under the grooms command and the actual job description will vary from facility to facility. That means that not only does the job vary, but so does the pay. This is a position which benefits from a firm knowledge of horseflesh, a teamwork attitude and independent, creative thinking.

Physical strength, a sense of personal responsibility and attention to detail are quality aspects of a successful groom.

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Horse Jobs – Farrier or Blacksmith

Man shoeing a horse

One of the first numbers on any horse owner’s speed dial, the farrier provides an essential service. All horse jobs are physically demanding, but this one is especially so.

Strength & Knowledge

This is a position which benefits from a physical strength, the ability to work with multiple animals and a strong knowledge of horse anatomy. A blacksmith deals with the business end of any horse – their iron-shod feet. There is never enough experience in this line of work.

Strong problem solving skills, an eye for detail and the ability to think on your feet are important building blocks towards a successful career as a blacksmith.

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Horse Jobs – Schooling Rider

Man riding a horse bareback in the snow

Often a job offered to college students and aspiring riding or training professionals, a schooling rider is in charge of daily exercise.

Great Communication Skills

This is a position which benefits from a teamwork attitude, the ability to follow strict instructions and a strong focus on communication. It is not uncommon for a schooling rider to have contact with numerous horses as well as numerous members of the barn staff on a daily basis.
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Horse Jobs – Riding Instructor

Man leading a smiling child sitting backwards on a horse

Generally found in larger facilities with many animals, the riding instructor works alongside trainers to coordinate training of the animals and their riders.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from previous teaching experience, knowledge of a specific discipline and a strong communication skill set. Riding instructors must work with both animals and people which requires a delicate balance.

The ability to work with animals and people simultaneously and attention to detail are fundamental aspects of a good riding instructor.

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Horse Jobs – Assistant Trainer

Assistant trainer with a horse

Often an ambitious trainer-in-training, the assistant trainer position can be found at larger establishments where trainers have high numbers of animals in their charge.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from a strong teamwork ethic, the ability to follow instruction and a firm knowledge of horses. Understanding training methods and the ability to learn in a situational atmosphere are key ingredients to a successful assistant trainer.
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Horse Jobs – Trainer

woman watching a horse in a corral

In small establishments the trainer title will encompass barn manager as well, however in larger stables the trainers duties are far more dedicated and specific.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from some experience in a specific discipline, previous teaching and professional riding experience. Trainers work with both people and their animals, which often requires a delicate touch and a strong personality.

A firm understanding of every aspect of horseflesh and strong communication skills are essential tools for a training position.

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Horse Jobs – Barn Foreman

Man in a suit standing in a barn

An integral part of a large working stable or barn, the barn foreman implements the essential routines of day to day horse life.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from in-depth horse knowledge, general admin experience and the ability to multi-task. A key team player, the foreman’s communication skills and organization are an integral part of keeping their charges healthy and happy.
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Horse Jobs – Barn Manager

horse with barn manger

An essential member of any large barn or stable, the barn manager is responsible for planning and orchestrating the day to day life of each animal in their charge.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from management experience, a high level of organization and a supreme knowledge of horses. Attention to detail and the ability to follow through are essential as the barn manager is required to organize both horses and people.
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Types of Horse Jobs and Careers

People who work in the horse world generally come from a horse background of some sort. Whether they always wanted one, grew up on a farm or just love horses enough to plan their life around them.

Feeding the Urge

In the weeks to come, The Equinest will feature each of the jobs on this list in detail. If you love horses, we are willing to be there is a perfect horse job out there for you. If you are looking for a horse job be sure to also visit our horse jobs section for listings from around the globe.

There are plenty of horse jobs out there for the adventurous horse lover, and here is a big, long list of them.

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