Horse Basics Category

Colors Section Updated

Colors SectionSlowly but surely I’m updating each section of the site. There is some great information on the site that isn’t so easy to find & navigate, so it’s winter cleaning time.

One Thing At A Time

Today I wanted to tell everyone about updates to the colors section. The colors were some of the first posts & wrote on the site and have slowly evolved into a section of their own. And rightly so, the genetics of horse colors is an incredibly involved and complicated business that is difficult to boil down into simple terms.
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Horse Breeds Beginning With K

Horse breeds that start with KAs I move on to other tasks after finishing the breeds I find myself looking for more obscure breeds in the hopes I’ll find more. Not only was it fun to write them, but it’s fun to share some of my favorites as well.

If you haven’t met the rest of the alphabet, be sure to do so A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J. Today it’s about breeds that start with K, from the handsome Kabarda that comes from ancient Turkoman stock to the athletic KWPN or Dutch Warmblood horse that has made a name for themselves in the show ring.
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Updated Toxic Plant Identifier

Toxic PlantsAlthough this is part of the toxic plant section, it should really be considered a section of it’s own so I’ve updated it separately (and what a job that was).

Section of the Week

However, it’s a big section and if it helps people identify toxic plants in their pasture it’s an essential one. This section was perhaps the one most in need of a tune up and now it looks quite nice.
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Horse Breeds Vulnerable to Extinction

Shire HorseMy big accomplishment over the summer was completing my breeds section. It happened at the cost of regular writing, but through my research I came to realize that have a soft spot in my heart for every breed of equine out there.

Is Your Horse a Rare Breed?

They are all precious to us, as they’ve carried the burden of civilization on their kind & capable backs. Sadly, a number of the breeds that have helped to build history are threatened by incredibly low numbers. The breeds listed on this page are considered vulnerable to becoming extinct. Even worse, many of them have been around for thousands (& thousands) of years.
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Updated Toxic Plants Section

Toxic PlantsAs I continue to power my way through the site looking for sections that may need attention I’m finding things I can’t wait to share with my readers again.

Section of the Week

Some time ago I began collecting lists of plants that are toxic to horses. As my list grew I even started trying to take some of my own images to use. Today I’m proud to say that I’ve contributed a variety of the images in that section.
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What You Think is Palomino Might Not Be

Lets face it, palominos are really pretty animals. What with that golden color and those long blonde locks, what’s not to like?

That Golden Glow

Although most people think of deep, copper animals with creamy mane & tail (like Barbie’s horse) palomino shades are actually quite varied & interesting. In fact, they can range from an almost white color, to a very deep chocolate brown (all the while retaining their white-blonde locks). But interestingly enough there are a number of different color genetic combinations that create such a similar coloration it’s hard to tell them apart.
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Buckskin And Dun Are Not The Same Thing

Two horse colors that are perhaps the most commonly mistaken for one another are buckskin & dun. However there is a world of difference between the two and although a similar coloration they come from completely different genetics.

Golden Horses

Both dun & buckskin can be a golden colored body with a black mane, tail & legs. The body color can range from a light, creamy tan to a deep, rich gold. Both of them stem from a different dilution gene on a bay animal, so it’s easy to see the confusion. I probably say this about all of them, but I do love this coloring.
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The Care Section Has Been Updated

General CareLately I’ve been on a mission to get older sections of the site updated with new copy & graphics. The breeds section was a huge project that took months to complete so other parts need attention.

Section of the Week

Today I’m proud to announce that I’ve given my care section a new face & I’m hoping it’s easier to navigate and use. This section features general tips, info about horse feed, a general layout of ownership costs, tips for stabling your horse and a guide to plants your horse shouldn’t eat.
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Horse Breeds Beginning With I

Horse breeds that start with IAt this point I’m working my way into the lower half of the breed alphabet and I’m looking forward to the next letter. I’m officially up to the I’s at this moment and getting motivated for the J’s.

If you haven’t met the rest of the alphabet, be sure to do so A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H. Today it’s about breeds that begin with I, from the robust Ibérian Warmblood a larger, more athletic Ibérian animal to the lightning fast Italian Trotter that have made a racing name for themselves worldwide.
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