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Image from floresyplantas.net
Ficus lyrata
Evergreen shrub or tree which can grow to 50 feet. Leaves are dull green, thick and hourglass (or fiddle) shaped. Flowers are small and nondescript. Fruit is fleshy, round and green.
Image from Forest & Kim Starr
Concern Level
Only during drought conditions, unpalatable.
Toxic Parts
Plant sap is toxic and irritates on contact.
Image from Forest & Kim Starr
Itching, redness and swelling of the mouth and throat, gastrointestinal upset, colic.
Could not locate the name of the toxic principle or if it ever caused fatalities in horses.
Image from Forest & Kim Starr
More Information
*It should be noted that we are not veterinarians. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.