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Image from M Kuhn
Daphne mezereum, Spurge Laurel, February Daphne
Semi-evergreen shrub. Leaves are simple and grow alternately. Flowers are fragrant, grow in clusters and are lilac / rose / purple / white. Fruit is red or yellow.
Image from Enrico_Blasutto
Concern Level
Only during drought conditions, unpalatable.
Toxic Parts
Fruit and leaves.
Image from Mmounties
Irritation and swelling of mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing, gastrointestinal upset, bloody diarrhea, weakness, coma. Contact with leaves can create blisters.
Contains diterpenoid which can be fatal.
Image from Laitche
More Information
*It should be noted that we are not veterinarians. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.