Black Locust Tree

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Black Locust Tree


Robinia pseudoacacia, Black Locust, False acacia, Locust tree


Tree or shrub with alternate leaflets with two spines at the base of each leaf. Flowers are fragrant, white / cream and droop. Pods are brown with seeds inside.

Black Locust Tree

Concern Level

Only during drought conditions, unpalatable.

Toxic Parts

All parts of tree except flowers, bark is most toxic.

Black Locust Tree

Image from wlcutler


Colic, diarrhea, staggering, loss of appetite, weak pulse, paralysis.


Death is rare, but recovery time is slow.

Black Locust Tree

Image from velostricken

More Information

Goat World

*It should be noted that we are not veterinarians. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.

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