The Equinest archives

Why We Should Stop Overfeeding but Undernourishing Our Horses

Click to see VideoRecently we’ve been posting episodes of The Horse Show with Rick Lamb, & still have plenty left to share. Today we wanted to get a little more serious & share a video about the perils of overfeeding your equine.

It’s What Counts

That silly expression you are what you eat is actually very true. Your horse can only be as good as the food you put into them. They have specific nutritional needs & if they aren’t being met you are putting them at risk. In this video Teresa Hollands from Dodson & Horrell talks about how feeding horses incorrectly can cause problems for them in the future. Read more

Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 27. Ruined and Going Downhill

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 27. Ruined and Going Downhill

As soon as my knees were sufficiently healed I was turned into a small meadow for a month or two; no other creature was there; and though I enjoyed the liberty and the sweet grass, yet I had been so long used to society that I felt very lonely. Ginger and I had become fast friends, and now I missed her company extremely. I often neighed when I heard horses’ feet passing in the road, but I seldom got an answer; till one morning the gate was opened, and who should come in but dear old Ginger. The man slipped off her halter, and left her there. With a joyful whinny I trotted up to her; we were both glad to meet, but I soon found that it was not for our pleasure that she was brought to be with me. Her story would be too long to tell, but the end of it was that she had been ruined by hard riding, and was now turned off to see what rest would do. Read more

Tips for Towing Your Horse Safely

This handy guest post about safe towing is curtesy of Nicole Felix, who works over at SD Truck Springs.

Tips for Towing Your Horse Safely

When towing a horse trailer there are many things to consider when it comes to ensuring the safety of you, your passengers & horses along with your truck & trailer. There are certain guidelines that must be followed when towing a horse trailer & following them will improve your safety when towing. Read more

Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 26. How it Ended

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 26. How it Ended

It must have been nearly midnight when I heard at a great distance the sound of a horse’s feet. Sometimes the sound died away, then it grew clearer again and nearer. The road to Earlshall led through woods that belonged to the earl; the sound came in that direction, and I hoped it might be some one coming in search of us. As the sound came nearer and nearer I was almost sure I could distinguish Ginger’s step; a little nearer still, and I could tell she was in the dog-cart. I neighed loudly, and was overjoyed to hear an answering neigh from Ginger, and men’s voices. They came slowly over the stones, and stopped at the dark figure that lay upon the ground.
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