Mules, Mules and More Mules By Rose Miller

Rose Miller is an author I’ve interviewed in the past and I’m delighted to announce that she has published a new book Mules, Mules and More Mules and provided the write-up below to share about it.

Rose & Susie QMules. A most unique and captivating equine. Are mules really sure-footed, stubborn, opinionated, “bombproof,” or more “dog-like” in their bonding? Are mules different from horses?

Enthralling Mules

After a trip down and back up the side of the Grand Canyon on a mule, Rose Miller becomes enthralled with these splendid creatures and has a burning desire to own a mule of her own. Thus begins a fascinating love affair with those long-eared equine hybrids.

Quite An Animal

After owning, showing, breeding and training horses for nearly 40 years, Rose is ready for something quiet, steady and unflappable. Because of her bad back, a smooth-gaited mule that would allow her to sit back and enjoy the ride was desired, but not all was smooth going.

Mules, Mules and More MulesContinue along for the trip as she uses her engaging around-the-campfire-story-telling style to introduce her mules: Mirabella, Samson, Maybellene, Ruth Ann, Susie, and Lucinda.

You will laugh out loud as she learns the hard way, mules and horses are different, and are not perfect.

Not Always Smooth Going

After a few nasty falls from her not so unflappable mules, Rose wonders if she should finally “hang it up,” and stop riding. After much soul-searching, she recognizes she had in fact been very lucky in all her equine incidents and that just as with her horses, she needs to be a part of the conditioning and training process. Just because she now had mules, did not mean she should become complacent.

Meet The Herd

Each mule teaches Rose something different, but in the end she realizes that mules have become a new addiction.


Mirabella, her first mule, was only 2, just started under saddle and had a lot to learn and teach her new owner. Because the little mule trotted (she was supposed to be gaited), she eventually found her “forever home” with a young lady who taught her to jump competitively.

Big Samson

Big Samson
Big Samson was 16.3h tall with an ego to match. At first it was love at first sight, but as time went on, Rose realized Samson wasn’t the best mule for her.


Maybellene had been an “outfitter mule” whose job was to pack supplies. She was gaited and had a beautiful Arabian head, but turned out to have a good deal too much energy. Relaxing to ride, she was not. She found her new home with an endurance rider.

Susie Q

Susie Q
Susie Q was one of those animals you can search for your whole life: sweet, intelligent, well trained, dependable and beautiful, she quickly got the nickname: Little Miss Perfect.

Ruth Ann

Ruth Ann
Ruth Ann was a show mule, who had been owned by the same family for all but 13 months of 13 years. She had bonded strongly to her owner. How would she bond to Rose? That was a big question and although she finally did, it took over a year and lots of loving care. She also was arthritic, and how bad, time would sadly tell.


Lucinda, purchased because she was “bombproof,” was underweight and dull-minded when she first arrived. After some horsemanship ground training and more food, she quickly transformed into a spooky unpredictable mule…

Lovely Mules

Anyone who loves animals for their uniqueness, those who own mules, and those who are thinking about getting one, will surely enjoy and benefit from reading this book.

Be sure to check out Rose’s website her blog, her Interview on The Equinest and Pick up her book: Mules, Mules and More Mules

3 Comments on “Mules, Mules and More Mules By Rose Miller

  1. Sarah Evans

    I have worked with and ridden a couple mules since meeting a trainer, Steve Edwards, who now I can call my friend. When I was younger, I didn’t think much of them, but as time went on I was truly captivated by them and learned what smart animals they are. I’ve really come t love mules, as stubborn, or more so, smart, as they can be. I may not own one of my own, but I do love to work with the long-eared equines. They never fail to bring a smile to my face.

  2. Joan Heller

    I owned, or I should say He owned me, a beautiful 15hh paint hinney. Who was known affectionally by the name of Billy Bob. I took him everywhere. He was so strong and gentle and so loving. He will always be in my heart. Yes, I will own another mule one day. I’m still looking for that special one. God knew what He was doing when He made mules.


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