This Castilian Horse was developed in Spain (back then called Castile) during the Middle Ages and today they are still known for their extra gaits called Paso Castillano or Castillian Time.
Developed during Spain’s heyday, this breed includes blood from European, Asian and northern African animals. The 8th century Moorish invasion brought Barb and Arabian blood, which had an impact on all of the Iberian horses. Their bloodlines went on to become part of the foundation for the Andalusian breed.
The result of these crosses were proud, beautiful and possessed smooth gaits, which made them popular riding mounts and a primary source of transportation. Much later when the new world was discovered, many of these animals were shipped to the Americas (to create breeds still found there today). In Spain, the remainder of Castilian animals were absorbed into the Andalusian lines.
Known not only for their lovely gaits, the strong dose of Asian blood created a tough little animal who can cover enormous distances on minimal resources. Their strength is truly remarkable. Today the Castilian Horse is still bred in Spain, a slow process finding pureblood animals who possess the special gait.
Average height 14 – 14.3 hands
Their smooth, ambling gait defines this breed more than any other characteristic
Strong amd durable
Propensity for lateral movement is natural and passed through genetics
Of balanced confirmation
Head is noble
Neck is strong
Body is smooth and well muscled
Legs are short compared to their robust body
Make and forelock are fine, silky and abundant
Back is long and narrow
Traditional Colors
All colors, with grey and dark skinned most desirable
Energetic and obedient
Mild nature
Courageous and true
Improving other breeds
Riding horse
Show horse
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